If you are not quite sure whether you want to drive an automatic car and still have some questions, here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about driving an automatic car.
Automatic cars are becoming more popular by the day. No longer are they boring to drive. A semi-automatic gearbox can be fun, yet easy to drive. Here we explain the difference between a traditional automatic and a semi-automatic car.
Explained is if you can pass the driving test in an automatic car, plus the benefits of learning to drive and passing the driving test in an automatic and the benefits of passing in a manual car.
If you’re considering learning to drive in an automatic or purchasing an automatic after only ever driving a manual, you might be asking if automatic cars are fun to drive.
Even though automatic cars are now far more popular than manual cars, there’s still a stigma around those who which to learn in automatics. Here. we explain why you should not feel embarrassed to learn to drive in an automatic car.